Airedale, Wharef­dale and Craven (AWC) CCG area is devel­op­ing an Account­able Care Sys­tem. The part­ners (Airedale NHS Foun­da­tion Trust, VCS, GPs, Brad­ford Coun­cil, North York­shire Coun­ty Coun­cil and Brad­ford Dis­trict Care Trust) have formed a body called the Airedale Provider Alliance Group. This ACS devel­op­ment began lat­er than the Brad­ford work.

The AWC ACS design is a whole sys­tem approach aim­ing to shift the deliv­ery of ser­vices into com­mu­ni­ty set­tings and to involve com­mu­ni­ty based providers front and cen­tre in the plan­ning and design of sys­tems and ser­vices. Three local­i­ties have been iden­ti­fied – Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven. Each has a group of providers is now talk­ing to one anoth­er to iden­ti­fy needs in their local­i­ty and how they might be addressed. Over­all this is being called “3 Com­mu­ni­ties, 1 system”.

Work­ing groups have been set up which are tasked with agree­ing the ways care will be pro­vid­ed (for exam­ple the Care Mod­el Deliv­ery Group).

There is cross over between the Brad­ford dis­trict and AWC ACS work — for exam­ple some bod­ies span both sys­tems (Brad­ford Coun­cil, Brad­ford Dis­trict Care Trust, the local CCGs and Brad­ford VCS Alliance).

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